Heat And Mass Transfer Theory And Applications

Host University

Virginia Commonwealth University


Spring 2023




Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering



Times and Days

4:30pm - 5:45pm

M, W

Course Information

A solid theoretical and applied understanding of heat and mass transfer is critical for training competent mechanical and nuclear engineers. This course will provide students with a theoretical understanding of the heat transport processes of conduction, convention and radiation as well as an understanding of parallels with mass transfer. Solution techniques will be both analytical and numerical, consistent with problems faced by modern engineers. Applications in the field of mechanical engineering include the design of cooling systems for automobiles, conventional power plants, heat engines and computers. Applications in the field of nuclear engineering include maintaining nuclear core temperatures and nuclear plant heat dissipation. Mass transfer applications include any process involving multiple species (e.g., two gases) as well as medically oriented transport problems (e.g., blood oxygenation), which are frequently encountered when developing materials or medical devices. Specific topics to be covered include 1D conduction, 2D and 3D conduction, transient conduction, external forced convection, internal forced convection, convection with phase change, thermal radiation, and principles of mass transfer (diffusion and advection).