• Fundamentals Of Operating Systems

    Operating system design and implementation as it relates to management and interaction of processor, memory, files, and I/O devices. Includes security considerations and a review of data structures, programming concepts, and computer systems architecture.

  • Simulation Software Design

    A laboratory course designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the development of simulation software. Topics include data structures, algorithms, and simulation executives. The students will conclude with the development of a basic simulation executive capable of managing discrete event simulations. The laboratory is designed to accompany 

  • Introduction To Machine Learning For Data Analytics Engineering

    Machine Learning provides a practical treatment of design, analysis and implementation of algorithms, which learn from examples. Topics include multiple machine learning models: linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, support vector machines, deep learning, Bayesian learning and unsupervised learning. Students are expected to use popular machine learning tools and algorithms to solve real data engineering…

  • Intro To Machine Learning For Data Analysis Engineering

    Machine Learning provides a practical treatment of design, analysis and implementation of algorithms, which learn from examples. Topics include multiple machine learning models: linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, support vector machines, deep learning, Bayesian learning and unsupervised learning. Students are expected to use popular machine learning tools and algorithms to solve real data engineering…

  • Ai: Ethics, Policy, & Society

    Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly expanding across multiple domains, leading to significant debate about its ethical and societal impacts. Still a matter of debate is what appropriate legal and governance structures should be created to ensure the ethical design, development, deployment, and use of AI. Further complicating the debate is the question of which…

  • Data Analysis In Fluid Dyn

  • Data Analytics In Social Media

    Introduce the necessary theories and the state-of-the art techniques in Web mining, network analysis, information retrieval, and predictive modeling to study emerging problems with social media. These problems include information diffusion, recommendations, behavior analysis, and event analytics in social media.

  • Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering: Convex Optimization for Engineering and Data Science

    A first-level graduate course covering a topic not normally covered in the graduate course offerings. The topic will usually reflect new developments in the electrical and computer engineering field. Offering is based on student and faculty interests. 

  • Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering: Geometry of Data

    A first-level graduate course covering a topic not normally covered in the graduate course offerings. The topic will usually reflect new developments in the electrical and computer engineering field. Offering is based on student and faculty interests.

  • Data Analytics In Social Media

    Introduce the necessary theories and the state-of-the art techniques in Web mining, network analysis, information retrieval, and predictive modeling to study emerging problems with social media. These problems include information diffusion, recommendations, behavior analysis, and event analytics in social media. Offered by Info Sciences & Technology. May not be repeated for credit.