• Cyber Systems Engineering

    This course provides an overview of functioning of cyber systems including how a computer interacts with the outside world. The composition of critical infrastructure and functioning of different engineered systems that form critical infrastructure are discussed. Mutual dependence and interactions between cyber systems and other engineered systems and the resulting security risks are also explored.…

  • Foundations Engineering

    Foundation engineering is the application of soil mechanics in the design of foundation elements for structures. The course covers properties of soils; subsurface exploration; bearing capacity; design of shallow foundations and mats; earth pressure theories and applications to design of retaining structures; stability of slopes; and an introduction to deep foundations. Prerequisites: CE 3310, CE…

  • Deep Learn Generative Models

    The course covers recent advances in the field of machine learning. Possible topics include: Learning Theory (PAC, error bounds, VC-dimension); Learning manifolds; Transfer learning; Active learning; Learning with structured data (e.g. graphs); Topic modeling; Learning with text; Graphical Models (Bayesian Networks); Learning HMMs. Topics may change depending on the instructor. Offered by Computer Science. May not…

  • Enterprise Netwrk Architecture

    Cover various advanced technologies used in ensuring quality for critical business applications and cost-effective solutions for providing both secure and non-secure communication across a public infrastructure. Topics covered include Quality of Service Performance Routing (PfR), IPSec Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Data Center Interconnect (DCI).Offered by Electrical & Comp. Engineering. May not be repeated for…

  • Info: Represent, Process, Viz

    The course explores basic concepts to understand and analyze the design of information systems, and focuses on conceptual understanding of data, information, and knowledge, boundaries in representing and processing information for humans and machines, information theory, and basic techniques to organize, structure, and interact with the information through visualization. Offered by Info Sciences & Technology.…

  • Info: Represent, Process, Viz

    The course explores basic concepts to understand and analyze the design of information systems, and focuses on conceptual understanding of data, information, and knowledge, boundaries in representing and processing information for humans and machines, information theory, and basic techniques to organize, structure, and interact with the information through visualization.Offered by Info Sciences & Technology. May…

  • Info: Represent, Process, Viz

    The course explores basic concepts to understand and analyze the design of information systems, and focuses on conceptual understanding of data, information, and knowledge, boundaries in representing and processing information for humans and machines, information theory, and basic techniques to organize, structure, and interact with the information through visualization.Offered by Info Sciences & Technology. May…

  • Info: Represent, Process, Viz

    The course explores basic concepts to understand and analyze the design of information systems, and focuses on conceptual understanding of data, information, and knowledge, boundaries in representing and processing information for humans and machines, information theory, and basic techniques to organize, structure, and interact with the information through visualization.Offered by Info Sciences & Technology. May…

  • Info: Represent, Process, Viz

    The course explores basic concepts to understand and analyze the design of information systems, and focuses on conceptual understanding of data, information, and knowledge, boundaries in representing and processing information for humans and machines, information theory, and basic techniques to organize, structure, and interact with the information through visualization.Offered by Info Sciences & Technology. May…

  • Info: Represent, Process, Viz

    The course explores basic concepts to understand and analyze the design of information systems, and focuses on conceptual understanding of data, information, and knowledge, boundaries in representing and processing information for humans and machines, information theory, and basic techniques to organize, structure, and interact with the information through visualization.Offered by Info Sciences & Technology. May…