• Risk & Vulnerability Management Of Complex Interdependent Systems

    Seminar discussions and team projects. A systematic approach to basic principles of design, economics and management of critical infrastructure systems, including issues of risk, vulnerability and risk governance. Development of advanced methodologies, e.g. system of systems, by use of complexity analysis, dynamic/chaotic behavior, threat analysis, resilient design and management under normal and stress conditions. Adopting…

  • Risk And Vulnerability Management Of Complex Interdependent Systems

    Seminar discussions and team projects. A systematic approach to basic principles of design, economics and management of critical infrastructure systems, including issues of risk, vulnerability and risk governance. Development of advanced methodologies, e.g. system of systems, by use of complexity analysis, dynamic/chaotic behavior, threat analysis, resilient design and management under normal and stress conditions. Adopting…

  • Analysis Of Organizational Systems

    This course introduces the student to fundamental concepts in the analysis of organizations. A systems approach is taken in the examination of social, structural, procedural and environmental aspects that are of consequence to technical professionals and managers. Modules covered include: History and Systems of Organizations and Management; Basic Organizational Systems and Models emphasizing rational, natural…

  • Introduction To Coastal Engineering

    Classical small amplitude wave theory, wave transformations in shallow water, shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, breaking. Wave induced near shore currents and sediment transport processes. Alternatives to mitigate coastal erosion processes. Introduction to coastal structures

  • Introduction To Homeland Security Logistics

    This course introduces the student to essential concepts of Homeland Security and principles of all-hazards risk management. It emphasizes understanding (1) the right balance among different hazards in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery; (2) the impacts of illegal and legal immigration on the economic and social stability of our communities; and (3) the emergence and…

  • Intro. To Coastal Engr.

    Classical small amplitude wave theory, wave transformations in shallow water, shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, breaking. Wave induced near shore currents and sediment transport processes. Alternatives to mitigate coastal erosion processes. Introduction to coastal structures.

  • Mathematical And Computational Modeling In Systems Engineering

    The course introduces some of the mathematical structures and methods used within systems engineering. The course will cover probability theory, scheduling, critical path analysis, systems dynamics, decision analysis, and simulation. Students will be introduced to computer programming to implement the ideas in the course using the R programming language

  • Simulation Formalisms

    The focus of the course is on identification and investigation of mathematical and logical structures that form the foundation for computational simulation. Topics include: foundations of simulation theory in logic, discrete mathematics, and computability; simulation formalisms, including DEVS; interoperability protocols; and computational complexity.

  • Advanced Reinforced Concrete

    Ultimate-strength theory, yield line methods, limit design, and other relevant advanced topics in the theory and design of concrete structures.

  • Hydraulic Engineering

    Hydraulic transients; flow control structures; computer analysis of hydraulic systems; design of pipelines, open channels and culverts