• Advanced Reinforced Concrete

    Ultimate-strength theory, yield line methods, limit design, and other relevant advanced topics in the theory and design of concrete structures.

  • Stochastic Hydrology

    The goal of this course is to illustrate the importance of uncertainty analysis in hydrology. Topics include extreme value theory applied to floods & droughts, regionalization methods for predictions in ungauged basins, & trend analysis of historical time series. Students should leave the course with an understanding of how to apply these methods in practice…

  • Nlp With Deep Learning

    This is an advanced course in natural language processing (NLP). It explores deep learning methods in NLP. Topics covered include feedforward neural nets as applied to NLP and deep networks for NLP applications. Class reviews language structure and studies context free grammars, dependency parsing, semantic role labeling along with applications such sentiment classification and information…

  • Advanced Structural Analysis

    Elastic analysis of framed structures using matrix and numerical techniques.

  • Deformation And Fracture Of Structural Materials

    Deformation and fracture are considered through integration of materials science microstructure and solid mechanics principles over a range of length scales, emphasizing the mechanical behavior of metallic-structural alloys and electronic materials. Metal deformation is understood based on elasticity theory and dislocation concepts. Fracture is understood based on continuum fracture mechanics and microstructural damage mechanisms. Additional…

  • Simulation Formalisms

    The focus of the course is on identification and investigation of mathematical and logical structures that form the foundation for computational simulation. Topics include: foundations of simulation theory in logic, discrete mathematics, and computability; simulation formalisms, including DEVS; interoperability protocols; and computational complexity.

  • Surface Science

    Analyzes the structure and thermodynamics of surfaces, with particular emphasis on the factors controlling chemical reactivity of surfaces; adsorption, catalysis, oxidation, and corrosion are considered from both theoretical and experimental viewpoints. Modern surface analytical techniques, such as Auger, ESCA, and SIMS are considered. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

  • Simulation Formalisms

    The focus of the course is on identification and investigation of mathematical and logical structures that form the foundation for computational simulation. Topics include: foundations of simulation theory in logic, discrete mathematics, and computability; simulation formalisms, including DEVS; interoperability protocols; and computational complexity.

  • Decision And Risk Analysis

    Application of analytic reasoning and skills to practical problems in decision-making. Topics include problem structure, analysis and solution implementation, emphasizing contemporary approaches to decision analytic techniques. Offered by Systems Engr & Operations Rsch. May not be repeated for credit. Equivalent to OR 681.

  • Polymer Chemistry And Engineering

    Analyzes the mechanisms and kinetics of various polymerization reactions; relations between the molecular structure and polymer properties, and how these properties can be influenced by the polymerization process; fundamental concepts of polymer solution and melt rheology. Applications to polymer processing operations, such as extrusion, molding, and fiber spinning.